A toast to the Worshipful Master
A toast to a retiring Worshipful Master (as penned W.Bro J.P. Moles for W. Master A. Alcock)
This is included on our web-site as we believe that this sums up a year in the life of The Manor of Ashley Lodge.
“Well WM what an inspiring and uplifting year!!!
During your year you worked all three degrees, and introduced a system of encouraging our newly made brethren to take the terrifying step of carrying out floor work, to which,
Worshipful Master they took like labradors to water! (Worshipful Master, I had to get some reference in, somewhere, to your involvement with the Kennel Club).
It is such initiatives as these that have drawn so many new candidates to the lodge and made them immediately, feel part of the lodge.
You initiated your husband into Freemasonry and then welcomed him as a joining member to this lodge.
You both appeared on a three-page spread in Freemasonry Today (the Quarterly Magazine of the United Grand Lodge of England), publicly illustrating a tremendous step forward by Freemasonry, into a truly inclusive society.
You presided over BBQs, skittle matches, Sunday Lunches, and a white table Christmas Dinner. All activities that draw our own masonic family of partners, friends and children together, all in that peace and harmony that is expected of any Masonic Occasion”.